Study time calculator

Make your time count. Find pockets of time you didn’t know you had with our study time calculator. You’d be surprised how this simple tool to raise your awareness can be the spark for you to find more time for the things that matter: your work, family and friends, and online study.

The study time calculator is a great place to begin if you want to know how much potential time you have for study in a given week. Slide the tab for each category – reflecting how many hours you can study in each instance – and the calculator will do the rest.

Your available study time

# hours
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Wake up feeling refreshed and fit study into your morning routine. How many hours a week can you study in the morning?



Even if it’s just one night a week, it can be well worth fitting some evening study into your schedule, especially if you’re a night owl by nature. How many hours a week can you study in the evening?



Your daily commute doesn’t have to mean lost time. With portable technology and mobile data, you can turn otherwise dead time into an opportunity to engage with online study. How many hours a week can you study while commuting?



Even if it’s just one or two days a week, fitting study into your lunch hour is a handy way to discover new study time. How many hours a week can you study at work?



Your weekend is a great opportunity to see family and catch up with friends and loved ones. With enough motivation it can also become prime study time. How many hours can you study over the weekend?